Honoring Our Public Health Heroes Who Protect Us All

A hero is every public health professional in communities across America working to protect our country’s health and safety. They are public health department professionals offering essential health and wellbeing services. They are first responders who rush to the aid of individuals and communities in times of emergency. They are epidemiologists, data analysts, microbiologists, lab technicians, health communication experts and more.

Because of their tireless efforts, our nation is working to eliminate health disparities and create vibrant and resilient communities where everyone can thrive and live their healthiest lives.

We see you. We appreciate you. And we thank you.


Please join us in showing gratitude. You can leave a note of thanks to the many health professionals who are working behind the scenes and on the front lines.

Use this form to leave a note of thanks. You can share a general thank you message or even mention a specific group who has made an impact. Providing your full name is optional or you can just leave a first name. Messages will be curated and highlights will be shared on our website, and select messages will be shared on our social media channels.

Thank you for your support! Together our impact is greater.


Thank You Messages

We see you. We appreciate you. And we thank you!! Especially all of the State of Arizona Employees and First Responders working to keep our State safe and healthy!
Many thanks to the devotion of hard work and caring during this pandemic.
Maureen Hazen
Thanks for and keep making our imperfect world work!
Dick Gusatfson
Univ Mich, LIGO Richland Wa
I appreciate all the hard work that you all have done. I appreciate that you put your lives on the line to take care of the sick. You are all heroes. God bless you all.
Sandy Murray
Painted Post, NY
To all of you out there risking yourselves every day to help others -- THANK YOU! I am especially grateful for all the firefighters, paramedics, and hospital staff in the Denver area who have helped our family out during several scary medical emergencies this spring and summer. I appreciate so much your hard work and courage in the face of great personal risk.
Denver, CO
I very much appreciate EVERY thing that you do. It is extremely important that you remain science-based....and not politically oriented. Thank you for all of your work!
Oakland, CA
I am extremely grateful to your selflessness and dedication, working hard to keep us all safe every day from many public health threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic. You are a shining star giving us light and hope in dark times, may God bless you all for your sacrifice and keep you all and your families safe. From the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU.
Haitham Dawuid
Raleigh, NC
Real heroes don’t wear capes. Thank you for risking your life’s to save lives.
Bay Area
Thanks. I admire your courage and commitment to others.
Winnie gallagher
My note of thanks is actually a remote collaboration between some friends and myself. It is a "visual song" dedicated to our unsung heroes called, "Sing for the Unsung." It features the talented Alyssa Harris on vocals. You can view our video here https://youtu.be/rPxaWsAEPlM
Christopher Fuller
Los Angeles, CA
Thank you for taking care of everyone who is ill with COVID, knowing that some of them did not take care of you by using precautions. I appreciate the risk you are taking every day.
SE Wisconsin
Thank you!
Muchisimas gracias a todos trabajadores de salud publica. Les agradecemos todo to que hacen para el publico sin discriminacion. Por favor sigan con el trabajo, la energia, y la pasion.
Alvaro Garza, MD, MPH
Modesto, CA
No amount of Thanks is enough for your sacrifices.
Barbara wimsatt
There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am that you are helping me become and stay healthier. Working tirelessly to keep our communities safe and healthy, please never stop, and please tell us how we can help. Your success is our success! I hope that all kids can understand the importance of science and healthcare. A lot of people don't come in until they're feeling sicker, which puts you in 'clean-up' mode, fixing whatever's broken and always giving it your full effort and care. Thank you for staying to help us, and thank you for your bravery!!!
Stephanie K
Thank you!
Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and sacrifice on our behalf! Your courage and care are an inspiration to us all!
Sherry Bupp
Redmond, WA
What can I say? My mom is a retired nurse and my cousin is a doctor running a hospital with Covid-19 patients. I don’t feel that “thank you” is enough. It goes deeper than that. You are risking your lives and families for us. I know that it is “your calling” but you are still people. Know deep in my heart that I do thank and appreciate every one of you and the many essential workers out there still combating day-to-day duties. Please take care of yourselves, stay healthy, stay safe, and stay strong!
Northern, NJ
judith wright
Thank you for the selfless, tireless work that you have been doing through this pandemic and beyond.
The Pryor’s
Los Angeles, California
There are not words enough to praise all of the health care workers; Doctors, Nurses, frontline staff, and other support staff at all of our hospitals. Our local Lutheran Medical Center here in Brooklyn did outstanding work. Thank you and bless you all. Stay healthy and safe.
AnnMarie FitzGerald
Brooklyn,New York
THANK YOU for being our warriors from the bottom of my heart!!!!! I am so grateful for everything you do!!! I am amazed at how you do it with such grace & care. PLEASE stay strong & know you are loved & appreciated!!!!!!!
Thank you for your dedication to caring for patients in a very difficult time. Covid has decimated so many families and members of your profession. Bless each of you and those you love.
Judith Nordeen
Thank you , thank you for all that you do to help keep us safe and well. THANK YOU!
Thank you for all you do for the people of our country who have contracted this disease. You provide them healing and especially comfort when their loved ones cannot. This is a special kind of kindness so needed now.
St Cloud, MN
I have met a number of you selfless individuals--in doctor's offices and at hospitals. I am appreciative of what you do for us to keep us safe. I sincerely hope you will be able to stay safe yourselves. Thanks for what you do.
Talent, OR
To all the healthcare workers remaining on the front lines during this pandemic, you have my unwavering gratitude and admiration. I retired 3 years ago after 40 years in healthcare. I am frightened for all of you. The LTACH where I spent 22 years on the front line has been converted to Covid-19 only. Beds are always full. Thank you all for your caring and dedication. This too shall pass. Pray that the lessons have been learned and our system is transformed for the better.
NW Wisconsin
This message is to every professional who has worked diligently, even at the expense of your own safety, to identify treatments and vaccines to combat the coronavirus and stand on the front lines to help stave off the deaths that have occurred over these last months. You are each true heroes! There are no words that can describe how much we appreciate all you have done and continue to do. As a senior citizen, I am unable to serve you due to my own safety, but how I wish I could bring you a meal or honor you personally for the vital work you are doing.
Ellen S Fishman
It's not much to write a little note to express the appreciation and admiration of those who are fighting for lives amidst this terrible pandemic. Your commitment to the health of a nation is now being shown and tested daily. Please know we have you in our hearts and will always be thankful for the sacrifice you make to take care of us! Thank you so much!
Justin Corbett
I am so grateful to the many nurses, doctors, and staff who have continued to provide excellent health care for all of us during this very difficult time. My husband had to be in our local emergency room at Knox Community Hospital four times during March and April and ended up having surgery at the end of that period. Though it was very difficult not to be with him because of COVID-19 restrictions, I knew that he was getting excellent care. I continue to be amazed that, despite concern for their own health and the health of their families, despite not always having adequate protection, and despite being exhausted by extra shifts and extra stress, our medical community has provided us with a shining example of what true heroes do—every day.
Mary Lynn
Howard, Ohio
Your selflessness is only surpassed by your hard work and sacrifice. The country, the world, owes you a debt that we will never be able to pay. I humbly thank you for all you continue to do.
New Jersey
Everyone complains about the endlessness of Covid—you folks have been confronted with it in the most physical way for all these months. It's impossible to adequately express gratitude for your sacrifices, but I hope you know how much Americans admire your professionalism, courage, and willingness to stare down catastrophic human losses in order to get on with your very essential work.
Peter Bailey
Canton, NY
Thank you for all that you do to help make everyone safe. I know that is not easy and oftentimes frustrating knowing that everyone does not wear mask and do their part to protect their fellow Americans. You are appreciated.
Thank you for all you do. I salute you!
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to keep our families safe! You are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for all you do to keep our country healthy. You meet the true meaning of heroes!
Michael Berkowitz
Nyack, NY
Bless you all! It is unimaginable to think of where we would be without all of you HEROES.
Richard Pihlgren
New York
I pray every day for the protection of you all and your family, health, and well being. Thank you all So Much!!!❤️
Sheila George
Atlanta Georgia
I would like to thank my mom, Louise Scott who works tirelessly to keep senior citizens in our community safe and healthy during COVID.

I would also like to say thank you to Emma Walker, a respiratory nurse who has worked non-stop with long shifts throughout this pandemic. Her fierce love for her family and unwavering dedication to her profession is honorable. As a mom, she made the heart wrenching decision to live apart from her family in an effort to keep her young son safe and reduce the chances of exposure. As a nurse, she willingly dedicates her service to hospitals in need, working in COVID hot spots throughout the country.

I want them to know that we see their service and sacrifice.
Jenneh Scott
Atlanta, Georgia
Thank you for your heroic efforts to keep us safe.
Tucson, AZ
You folks are inspirational. You inspire our nation and our family.
Thank you for your dedication and service and for making the world better!
bruce landau
memphis , tn
Thanks for all you do!
ron and fay palma
Tulsa, OK
A note of sincere gratitude for the work you do on behalf of our community. Your dedication, skill, and determination are appreciated. Thank you.
Nicole H
Thank you for all you do.
Judith Pekowsky
Thank you for your dedicated effort during this horrible pandemic.
Paul & Verlyn Rosenberger
Decatur, IL
Thank you for your dedication and all you do to help people despite this awful pandemic.
Jeanne Heitman
St. Louis, MO
Thank you so so much for all that you do and have done for all communities.
Vicky James
Frankfort, KY
Thank you, health professionals, for helping our community. I appreciate all of you. I know you're working very hard to care for us, and to help keep us healthy. Best wishes and prayers for your continued health, as well, in this pandemic.
Mary Sheets
Oklahoma City
Thank you for being so brave!
Kate Chung