Honoring Our Public Health Heroes Who Protect Us All

A hero is every public health professional in communities across America working to protect our country’s health and safety. They are public health department professionals offering essential health and wellbeing services. They are first responders who rush to the aid of individuals and communities in times of emergency. They are epidemiologists, data analysts, microbiologists, lab technicians, health communication experts and more.

Because of their tireless efforts, our nation is working to eliminate health disparities and create vibrant and resilient communities where everyone can thrive and live their healthiest lives.

We see you. We appreciate you. And we thank you.


Please join us in showing gratitude. You can leave a note of thanks to the many health professionals who are working behind the scenes and on the front lines.

Use this form to leave a note of thanks. You can share a general thank you message or even mention a specific group who has made an impact. Providing your full name is optional or you can just leave a first name. Messages will be curated and highlights will be shared on our website, and select messages will be shared on our social media channels.

Thank you for your support! Together our impact is greater.


Thank You Messages

Quietly a nd skillfully you have all been dedicated to all of us and keeping us safe for many months. More than anything, you have shown the most important reason you are in healthcare—to take care of all of us and try to bring us back to good health. You don't ask whether we have been wearing a mask of social distancing, you just keep you head down and do what you can to help us. We owe you a great big THANK YOU for all you have done and continue to do. And we owe you our best efforts to keep ourselves, others and YOU safe by wearing our mask and social distancing. We are so grateful to you for setting a good example of selfless dedication.
Frank Hamsher
St. Louis
Thank you for giving us HOPE during a very difficult time.
Tonya Pleimann
Sugar Land, Texas
We owe you so much! Thanks for all you do!
Karen Greene
Boca Raton, FL
Thank you ALL!! From an old retired nurse that's feels ancient because I am no longer able to help. Please know that our love and respect to all care givers means the world to your patients you take care of. From testing to being with them as they get finally go home to loved ones, and for the ones pass that your kindness has brought them a bit of peace, you have America's thanks. You are truly Heroes. Please stay as safe as you can and take some self care...it's important for you too. Blessings of Love and Thanks,
LynneMarie Olson
Vancouver, WA
You are truly heroic working as hard as we realize you do in the chaos of a pandemic, putting your lives on the line while trying to save others. Thank you so very much.
Elida D Wilson
Olympia, Washington
A HUGE thank you to all you health workers. We really are indebted to you. You are appreciated.
Ireta Sitts Graube
seattle, WA
We all appreciate all your bravery every day. Thank you ?
Hilary Fry
Stay strong. Keep up the hard work. Thanks.
Doucette Family
We are all grateful to you for what you do. Help is available for you from the Brave of Heart Fund and other organizations. If you need more help, demand it: WE OWE YOU! May God bless and keep you.
Mike Downey
Essex County, New Jersey
Christopher Reeve once said that a HERO is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. In the midst of dark times, our Public Health Heroes are a beacon of light. We appreciate all you do and can never say THANK YOU enough.
Twanda Mickle
Atlanta, GA
Thank you for working tirelessly to research and understand #COVID-19. Your work keeps our communities safe, not only from this health crisis but so many others.
Maria Thacker
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for your courage and dedication.
William wilson
Shady Side, MD
Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication during the pandemic. Public health workers are amazing people! Keep on keeping on!
Amy DeGroff
CDC Atlanta
For everyone in public health or not who gave an extra second or popped an extra vein to stick out necks in support of CDC EIS/LLS—thank you, thank you. You help us as much—more—as we try to help everyone out there.
Atlanta, GA
During times of adversity, true heroes are revealed. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the contact tracers, epidemiologists, data analysts, microbiologists, lab technicians, health communication experts, and others who comprise the public health workforce have been working behind the scenes to protect the health of individuals and their communities. On behalf of Amgen, we thank all #PublicHealthHeroes for the work they do each and every day.
Thousand Oaks, California
Deep gratitude goes out to all of you who have been and are working selflessly and tirelessly to help those ill and dying of the COVID-19, and to all of you involved in research and communication to provide the latest helpful scientific facts that help us and our communities protect ourselves. My heart goes out especially to you who are assisting those who are homeless, our Native American peoples, those suffering job loss and economic hardship, all the very vulnerable in our land. THANK YOU for your kind generosity!
Rev. Ando Mueller
Mount Shasta, CA
I don't think most of us will ever truly understand the toll COVID-19 is taking on our public health professionals. These are the most passionate, caring, hard working people I know, but because much of their work is done on the phone, they are usually not visible. If only they had silver wings and capes streaming out behind them as they did their heroic work! It is true that when public health is working well, it is invisible. COVID-19 has turned the spotlight on public health professionals, illuminating the work they do every day in a compounded way. Thank you, public health professionals, for all of the long hours, patience with frustrated people, love and compassion, concern, expertise, and perserverance during this pandemic. You are amazing people, and we appreciate each one of you!
Jaci McReynolds
West Plains, MO
Laura Hughes-Baker, our CDC State Health Department Liaisons, and those who CDC personnel who deployed to Oklahoma, thank you for your consistent effort to support us. I know you are leaving your regular day job to participate in the COVID response. Your service will not be forgotten!
Aaron Wendelboe
Oklahoma City
Thank you to the Oklahoma State Department of Health. It was a pleasure to serve along side you for several months. The Acute Disease Service, the Emergency Preparedness and Response Service, the Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Service, those in the Case and Contact Tracing Center, the Center for Health Statistics, and the Regional Administrative Directors are among the heroes that deserve an extra expression of gratitude.
Aaron Wendelboe
Acute Disease Service
Thankful for all of the frontline workers and healthcare heroes for tirelessly working to keep our communities safe while putting their lives at risk. Being a public health professional during this time while working behind the scenes with CDC Foundation has given me an opportunity to give back to my community and be the support system that this country is in dire need of. I am extremely thankful for the support CDC Foundation has provided to its employees and the rest of the community.
Sumera Jiva
Atlanta, GA
To all of you, near and far, who do what you do to help keep us safe and healthy. I respect you, I admire you, I salute you for all your efforts. You are all heroes in my book.
Cleveland, OH
I want to acknowledge the Theta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Inc. In San Antonio, all Healthcare and front line workers. I also want to acknowledge all of the essential staff at West Fort Hood who are still working hard to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
Alanda White
San Antonio, Texas
Thank YOU for all you have done and continue to do throughout this pandemic. My heart goes out to each and every one of you knowing all the sacrifices and challenges you have had to face over the past 7 months. You are truly our heroes and words can never express our gratitude!
Emily Rosenberg
Alamo, CA
Thank you for the time you put in and the courage you show.
Dr. Joanna Usifo
THANK YOU to all involved in the work and progress to help our communities through COVID-19. Your sacrifice and care are greatly appreciated. I see the work being done, and I'm praying blessings over you all.
Mariana Verissimo
Houston, TX
THANK YOU for your tireless work, endless efforts, and relentless devotion to protecting communities across the nation. You are all making a difference and helping to alleviate the suffering of others, which would not be possible without your guidance. Keep up the good fight and know that you are so appreciated.
L. Leong
Thank you for your tireless dedication and hard work to keep us all safe and healthy during these challenging times. Please know that the impact of your work is felt by all of us. You are making important progress and helping us learn more each day on how to best minimize the damage done by this virus.
Coleen Boyle
Atlanta, GA
Thank you to the thousands of staff at CDC who have been and are responding to the COVID 19 emergency response. This is the largest response among the hundreds that you have responded to for decades! I am grateful for ALL that you are doing to gather data, work with the state and local partners, communicate with everyone, conduct research, provide guidance (even while the science is still developing). You are truly UNSUNG HEROES! Thank you for all you do for ALL OF US to protect us and keep us safe, not only during emergency responses such as COVID, but through all the work you do day in and day out.
Lynn Austin
Duluth, GA
Blessings to all of the first responders, including poll workers and watchers. What you do makes me feel safer in an uncertain world. All the Best.
Thanks to all public health workers and volunteers! I have come out of retirement to to work on this once in a lifetime pandemic. Thanks to those who are also working in a variety of capacities on this problem. Together we can make a difference! Best wishes.
Richard Vogt, MD
Littleton, CO
Bless you for continuing to work & fight!
Jen Shepley
My deepest gratitude to those who are serving people worldwide to keep them safe and responding to their needs
Tania Wahed
Keep going
Greene, NY
I am forever grateful for your daily dedication and sacrifice in everything you do. I salute each of you and express my personal gratitude for the effort and time you have contributed. Thank you for everything you do and please know you're in my continued prayers!
Monica McKinney
Atlanta, GA
A huge thank you to all of the public health professionals tirelessly every day to protect our communities. You are saving lives. A special should out to Dr. Linda Bell - State Epidemiologist in SC. You are a public health hero!
Lisa Waddell
South Carolina
Thank YOU to our healthcare heroes for giving so much of yourselves to so many!
Dear Public Health Professionals, Thank you for the work you do every day in keeping our communities safe. Here's hoping that the future of America focuses on the development of a comprehensive Public Health System that can benefit us all. Keep up the "Good Fight." Stay safe.
Charles Cal
New York
THANK YOU!! To all the public health professionals for your time and dedication to the community during this pandemic!!
Summer Atseye
Norfolk, VA
I'm so glad I have the chance to thank you health care workers for everything you do! You are True Heroes, and I'm sure these times are very challenging for all of you. I send you Much Love and Prayers for your continued good health, and that you find time to take care of yourselves. My hope is that we get trump out of office, and we get a responsible President who will work hard to take better care of all of you. You have deserved more protection and more support from the start of this pandemic. God Bless You Alll!
Susan Rios
Glendale, CA
From one Public Health professional to another THANK YOU for your hard work, dedication and focus in beating COVID-19 and every other communicable disease.
Sylvia Whittington
Detroit, MI
We thank you for your commitment to serve those in need despite the possible danger to your lives. We may not be able to thank you individually, but rest assured we think of you and pray for your safety while on duty.
Joanne and Lewis Sprechman
Lake Worth, Florida
I am deeply appreciative of all you have given of yourself. I am a senior at home, and because of you I am relatively safe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope someday I pass on your generosity of self. Stay Safe.
Gold River, CA
Eternally grateful for those on the frontlines for your dedication to public health, science and patient care! You are making a difference every hour of every day. You are my heroes.
Angelina Esparza
I am in awe of the tireless efforts of our public health and healthcare workforce! Thank you for silent but important work in prevention morbidity and mortality!!!
Rendi Murphree
Mobile, AL
So much gratitude and respect for the health care workers, who have dedicated and risked their lives, during this pandemic, and in general to help us through these trying times.. You've fought " the good fight" and saved many lives. I am proud to know and honor many of them. God bless and protect all of you, in your service to others, as well as yourselves.
Kathy PCP
I'm so proud of CDC and how they have "soldiered on" during this COVID crisis. I am glad that people are recognizing you and defending you. Keep up the good work, and thank you!
Anne Mather
Hoschton, Georgia
I have recently been a patient in a surgery center and an outpatient for protracted diagnostic efforts leading up to the surgery. In order for that entire set of resources to function, medical staff have to take constant precautions and exercise constant vigilance in addition to their normal clinical duties. Doing this and still keeping a positive face to the patients and their families, indicates focus and commitment. Thank you all providers.
Tracy Avent-Costanza
Hi Desert California
Thank you for the long days, the inconvenience to your life and your family's lives and the willingness to step in where others leave. Gratefully,
Mount Prospect, IL
Thank you for your caring commitment, dedication and sacrifice while tending to the health of our community. We appreciate you!
Way to go!
Elaine Viens
Signal Mountain, TN