Fries Awards - Nomination Information

Nominations for the James and Sarah Fries Prize for Improving Health and/or Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award should be submitted as a three-page document with supporting materials by a nominator other than the candidate. Self-nominations are not permitted by the IRS. Please email a short letter of intent to by February 15, if you are planning to submit a nomination. Submissions must be received by the CDC Foundation no later than May 15.

First Page – Summary:

  • Title: Nomination of [Individual] for the [Fries Prize for Improving Health or Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award].
  • Nominee: Name, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
  • Nominator: Name, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
  • A clear and concise synopsis describing the individual's contribution, including its importance, impact, and the exact role of the nominee. The opening paragraph should, in 25 words or less, provide a quotable summary of the achievements of the individual.
  • Not to exceed one page.

Second Page – Description:

  • A concise description of the specific area (opportunity or challenge) which the accomplishment addresses, including a discussion of the rationale for and development of the accomplishment, degree of originality and/or innovation, noteworthy collaborators, health impact on the public, originality, as well as the role of the nominee. Description not to exceed one page.

Third Page – Documentation:

  • A summary of documentation to support the significance, value, originality, and impact of the nominee's contribution.
  • This information may be presented in any format, including additional description, references, and citations demonstrating the importance of the contribution and its suitability for the prize. Description not to exceed one page.

Supporting Materials:

  • Two letters of support, in addition to the nominator’s, not to exceed one page each. At least one support letter should not be an institutional colleague of the nominee.
  • An abridged curriculum vitae (CV) (and bibliography if appropriate) of the nominee; not to exceed one page, and ten selected seminal articles or other communications, if appropriate. Not to exceed one page.
  • An unabridged CV (or more comprehensive document) to serve as a resource, if necessary, for the Selection Jury.
  • Additional supplementary materials are not requested and will not be considered.

Special Note:

The Fries Foundation Board and Fries Prize Jury would like to strongly discourage nominators from collaborating with nominees during the nomination process.

Where to Send the Nomination:

  • Nominations for the Fries Prize for Improving Health and the Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award should be sent electronically to the Fries Prize Administrator at


About the Awards | Fries Prize | Elizabeth Fries Award | Selection Jury

Martha Katz, Gregory Fries, Dr Anne Schuchat and Dr. Judy Monroe pose with the 2023 Fries Prize

About the Awards

The late Dr. James F. Fries, formerly professor emeritus of medicine at Stanford University, came up with the idea for the James and Sarah Fries Prize for Improving Health in a 1987 ascent of Nepal’s Makalu—one of the world’s highest peaks—when his party became trapped in a severe snowstorm and was ultimately unable to scale the mountain. Following that experience, Dr. Fries returned to sea level and set about establishing a foundation to support a Nobel-like prize for health that now annually awards a $100,000 prize to an individual judged by an expert panel to have done the greatest good for the greatest number in the field of health. In 1992 the Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award was established in honor of Elizabeth Fries, daughter of James and Sarah Fries. The $50,000 prize is awarded annually to an individual judged to have made substantial contributions to their area of health education and health promotion. Sarah Fries remained active in the Fries Awards for Health program until her death in May 2017, and Jim Fries remained active in the awards until his death in November 2021.

The CDC Foundation is honored to partner with the James F. and Sarah T. Fries Foundation, which established and funds the award. As of 2016, the CDC Foundation manages and administers the Fries Awards for Health program, which include the James and Sarah Fries Prize for Improving Health and the Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award.