Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Mohammed A-G
David Aakhus
Anne-Shelton Aaron
Jetty Aãto
Allan Abaunza
Samer Abbas
Allison and Mike Abbondante
Dr. Arthur Travis Abbott
Don Abbott
Lisa Abbott
Moona Abdulkerim
Mie Abe
Yuichi Abe
Colette Abel
Debby Abel and Josh Millman
Shirley Abel
Diane Abell
Iris Abelson
Robert Aber, MD, EIS '72 and Karen Aber
Kalluru Abhiram
Audrey and Sargent Aborn
Walid Abou-Jaoude
Bahman Aboulhasanzadeh
Jerry Abraham
Laurie Abraham
Rob Abraham
Tim Abrahamsen
Joel W. Abramowitz, MD and Rita Bergers
Mitchell Abrams
Eddie Abramson
Morton and Natalie Abramson
Angeli Abrol
Roberto Aceituno
David Ach and Diane Appleton
Premasai Achanti
Lewis Achen
Dean Acosta
Audrea Acuna
Steven Adachi
Kendall Adair
Mr. Robert Adam
Mark Adamchuk
Annette Adams
Anthony Adams
Bianca Adams
Jeff Adams
Mrs. Mary Adams
Uthar Adams
William and Amy Adams
The Adams Boeding Family
Michele Adan Vaccaro
Hari Adari
Laura Adcox
Gabrielle Addamo
Ramot Adeboyejo
Dr. Marilyn Aden
Randy Ades
Efua Adetona
Sayo Adeyina Folarin
Sarb Adhikari
Rajasudharsan Adhikesavan
Adi Adinugroho-Horstman
Carrie Adkins
Christina Adkins
Douglas and Rapeepun Adkins
Ruben Adkins-Rieck
Paul Aerison
Mr. Kenneth Aft
Agape Fund
Deepak Agarwal
Jacque Agerton
Peter Agerton
Sanjay Aggarwal
Kevin Aghajani
Christina Agostinho
Shweta Agrawal
Bola Aguda
Sonnia Aguirre
Holly Ahlborn
Nadia Ahmed
Waffa Ahmed
Zimmim Ahmed
David Ahn
Essi Ahnlund
Arthur Ahrens
Priya Ahuja
Mike Aiden
William Aiken
Robert Airo
Cynthia Aitken
Charmila Ajmera
Sunitha Akavaram
Karhan Akcoglu and Li Li
Yasmeen Akhtar
David Akin
Erdal Aksoy
Kaidee Akullo
Lerna Akyemeniciyan
Nadeem Al Farah
Mack Al Karam