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World Drowning Prevention Day: Improving Youth Access to Swim Lessons

In response to rising drowning rates among U.S. children, the CDC Foundation and CDC, with financial support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, developed an initiative to fund 20 community-based organizations around the country to offer no-cost and low-cost swimming and water safety classes to kids aged 5 to 15.

Storm Survey Saved by Data App Expert

When a trio of tornados tore through Nebraska this spring, CDC Foundation data survey engineer Andrew Delicata helped prepare an emergency survey so local public health departments could gather info on their residents’ safety and well-being.

Healing Happens in the Community: Preventing Veteran Suicide

In partnership with CDC, the CDC Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Veteran Suicide Prevention through Effective Evaluation Practice: Veteran Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit for use by VSOs and other community-based programs with suicide prevention programs.

Three Days: A Swift Response Stops a Measles Outbreak

By the year 2000, measles was thought to be eradicated in the U.S. But in March 2024, the Chicago Department of Public Health and CDC confirmed that a child had contracted the disease.

How Sleuthing and Science Halted a Salmonella Outbreak

In November 2023, people across the U.S. began reporting symptoms associated with food poisoning. The investigation that followed would reveal a Salmonella outbreak in 33 states.

Transforming Trauma into Triumph: Voices Today For Change Tomorrow

In the annals of U.S. medical history, one study stands out for its profound impact on the ethics of medical research—the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Study of Untreated Syphilis at Tuskegee and Macon County, Alabama.

David Kotok: Champion of Public Health through Philanthropy and Ethical Leadership

Throughout his career, which has included time in the United States military, as the founder of an investment management firm, as an author and as a philanthropist supporting the CDC Foundation, David Kotok has recognized and supported the advancement of urgent public health initiatives and ethical service.

Building A Strong Response to Drug-Resistant Malaria in Africa

Launched in 2014, PARMA was designed to bring together malaria experts across Africa and the U.S. to track emerging resistance so countries can adapt treatment protocols. Nowhere is this work more critical than in the hard-hit countries of sub-Saharan Africa.