Combined Federal Campaign

Fiscal Year 2017 Report to Contributors

Thank you to the individuals who contributed through the following Combined Federal Campaign organizations. While the CDC Foundation does not receive all Combined Federal Campaign donor names or donation amounts, we are grateful for each of our federal colleagues who give through the federal government’s workplace giving campaign. Gifts made through the Combined Federal Campaign help us reach out to new partners to advance CDC's life-saving work. The CDC Foundation is included in the national listing as number 10141.


CFC Action for Boston Community Development, Inc.
CFC of North Central WV
CFC of the Greater New Orleans Area
Combined Federal Campaign
Combined Federal Campaign - Overseas
Combined Federal Campaign King County
Combined Federal Campaign N. Charleston, SC
Combined Federal Campaign of Central Maryland
Combined Federal Campaign of Greater SoCal
Combined Federal Campaign of Northern New England
Combined Federal Campaign of South Hampton Roads
Eastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey Combined Federal Campaign

Gateway Combined Federal Campaign
Global Impact CFC of the National Capital Area
Greater North Carolina Area CFC
Hawaii Pacific Area CFC
Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign
Miami Valley Combined Federal Campaign
Northern Lights Combined Federal Campaign
Peninsula Combined Federal Campaign
Potomac Combined Federal Campaign
Principal Combined Fund Organization, San Antonio Area CFC
United Way of Essex & West Hudson
United Way of Greater Atlanta, Inc.
United Way of Northeast Florida
United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley