Integrated Serosurveillance Center and Serologic Surveillance in Nigeria

Nigeria program

Many low- and middle-income countries lack the data necessary to fully describe disease threats in their countries and monitor the impact of public health efforts to prevent and control disease.

Serosurveillance—which involves monitoring the presence or absence of antibodies or proteins in the blood serum of a population—provides an objective biological measure for estimating population susceptibility, exposure and immunity. Serologic data are increasingly used to guide public health policy and strategy, from support of vaccine introduction to verification of disease elimination.

Currently, serosurveillance is often focused on a single disease. Integrated serosurveillance (multi-disease serologic surveillance) is a cost-effective approach that can dramatically scale up the availability of data for public health action, including for diseases currently unmonitored.

CDC has developed an approach to integrated serosurveillance for multiple diseases of public health importance using a multiplex bead assay platform. The platform can simultaneously measure up to 100 different disease-specific markers from a single dried blood spot, creating novel opportunities to establish integrated nationally representative serosurveillance programs. If well implemented, integrated serosurveillance could increase the quality and breadth of data available for infectious disease modeling and efforts to describe transmission risks. Data collected through integrated serosurveillance can also inform implementation of prevention opportunities across multiple diseases. 

But, implementation of integrated serosurveillance requires coordination of subject matter expertise and ongoing technical assistance to ensure generation of high-quality data for public health decision making. CDC’s vision is to expand capacity to implement this approach around the globe where data from integrated serosurveillance could drive critical aspects of public health programs.

In Nigeria, the Nigeria CDC has identified integrated serosurveillance as a priority for generating high-quality supplemental information to augment the existing surveillance network, and for their overall public health response. With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CDC Foundation is working with CDC and other partners to strengthen the capacity of Nigeria’s National Reference Laboratory to conduct integrated serosurveillance multiplex bead assay technology. The support is part of a multi-partner effort that includes multiple CDC programs, donors and partners.  

As results are available, CDC is working with the Nigeria CDC and government partners to analyze multiplex testing data and apply results to advance public health programs. In addition, CDC is applying lessons learned from Nigeria and previous projects to develop the tools and technical assistance capacity needed to accelerate the implementation of integrated serosurveillance in other countries.

Global Health
Integrated Serosurveillance Center and Serologic Surveillance in Nigeria
To scale capacity for integrated serosurveillance in Africa and to conduct integrated serologic surveillance using stored samples from Nigeria’s HIV Impact Survey.
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Biomarker Discovery through Serum Epitope Repertoire Analysis (SERA)

Infectious Disease
Biomarker discovery through serum epitope repertoire analysis (SERA)
United States of America
To optimize interventions and tools to enable the elimination and eradication of prioritized Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) as identified by the London Declaration.
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