Guiding Principles for Partner Collaboration

The CDC Foundation is the sole entity authorized by Congress to raise private funds in support of the mission and work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Foundation partnerships are designed for synergy around shared purposes. By aligning diverse interests and resources to address public health challenges, our focused collaborations with the private and philanthropic sectors help to improve and save lives.

Characteristics of collaborative partner activities include the following:

  • Well-defined and substantial public health benefit based on sound scientific development and review and the public good
  • Activities with a manageable size and scope with specific timelines and milestones
  • Non-exclusivity in the proposed activity meaning other partners may join at any time
  • Outcomes of the activity are not intended for direct monetary benefit for the partner; avoidance of conflicts of interest
  • Equal access to results of findings for the public and partners simultaneously
  • Demonstrate opportunities for return on investment and impact for public health

When the CDC Foundation has a program that involves a partnership between an external partner, the CDC Foundation and CDC these collaborative partner activities also require the following:

  • Adherence to independence and objectivity of CDC’s scientific judgment
  • Deference to CDC’s final judgment on all matters of scientific findings, facts or recommendations
  • Demonstrate opportunities for return on investment and impact for public health, CDC, the CDC Foundation and its partners

Areas of Prohibition:

  • Partnership with an organization that represents any product that exacerbates morbidity or mortality when used as directed (mission compatibility)
  • No product endorsement or the appearance of product endorsement

Areas of Caution:

  • CDC co-branding only with the approval of CDC review committee for this purpose
  • Activities where the partner is most interested in donor recognition
  • Other issues the CDC Foundation staff may determine, on a case-by-case basis, constitute “red flag issues” warranting more detailed examination

Note: This list is not exhaustive of the types of issues that could be considered.